Ormskirk Mark Lodge No.734 Installation Meeting
Thursday 9th November, 2017
Your Installation is always a special ceremony, but last night it was made even more special for one Mark Mason who was lucky enough to have his Father as one of his Installing officers. 
W.Bro. Kevin Collins, PGM’s Special Representative, W.Bro. Stuart Cunningham
W.Bro. Andrew Cunningham WM, W.Bro. Prince Bagley IPM
WM W.Bro. Prince Bagley displayed his usual high standard of ritual in Installing Bro. Andrew Cunningham into the Chair of Adoniram.  He kindly allowed Andrew’s father, W.Bro. Stuart Cunningham to be involved in the Installation ceremony and Stuart conducted the Inner Workings, the presentation of the Warrant and Constitutions, as well as the Address to the Master. 
Bro. Steve Brereton SW, W.Bro. Stuart Cunningham ADC,
W.Bro. Andrew Cunningham WM, W.Bro. Prince Bagley IPM,
Bro. Frank Umbers JW, Chairman of the Ormskirk Group of Lodges
The overall Installation ceremony was a well-orchestrated team effort.  W.Bro. John Glover (DC) presented the Working Tools and Address to the Overseers, with V.W.Bro. Fred Hargreaves investing the new WM with the Keystone Jewel and MBF collarets.
V.W.Bro. Michael Clarke, W.Bro. Andrew Cunningham WM,
W.Bro. Kevin Collins, V.W.Bro. Fred Hargreaves

W.Bro. Paul Carr gave the Address to the Wardens and the V.W.Bro. Michael Clarke, P.A.Prov.G.M. (representing the PGM) presented the address to the Brethren.

After such an enjoyable ceremony, the evening was rounded off by a good meal and good company at the festive board.
Words and pictures by Alan Foster